Well I have survived January! I said to myself the key to my sanity was make it through this first month of the year that has been so hard on me. Now I will need to be strong to survive the next three months. With the help of Angil, I have devised a plan that will straighten me out financially. It’s going to be a tough road but one that I am going to take on because I need to do this for me and my future.
Family is ok health wise. We have not heard anything or found my cousin. At this point, we are basically in limbo with it. We don’t know what will be done. It’s up to the family down there. One of my fondest memories of him was sharing our favorite snacks, white rice with ketchup and arguing about everything. I am still in mourning of him. It’s about to be a month and the not knowing is the hardest part. The suspicious way this happened is just unnerving and the uncertainty is basically eating at us.
I am still dieting and working out. The hardest part of dieting is shrinking your stomach. It normally takes a couple of weeks to get yourself and your stomach used to the necessary rations; eating till you’re satisfied as opposed to eating till you’re full. I have found that it’s very true what they say about waiting about 5 minutes before you get seconds. That has been working for me. I almost out of the soy shakes. I am thinking for replacing them with Oatmeal in the mornings.
I’ve been going to the gym for three weeks straight now. My goal is to do Mon-Thursday and then additional days are optional. I am just trying to establish a routine to discipline myself. So far so good. I have to weigh myself to see if I can see any loss pound wise. I can tell you I definitely see it clothing wise. My size 10 Nine & Co pants look good on me. I’m wearing those today!
I am also doing sit ups on my exercise ball. I do those at home. I am going to start trying to do them in the mornings as well. That would probably mean I need to get up an extra 10 minutes earlier but I will see if it works. I just set my alarm to remind myself.
I don’t understand people. I am tired and sick of pettiness. Can you stop being ghetto for a second and think before you speak? Can you cut the loser mentality for once? Do you only connect on ignorance? It’s like the Novo Riche. Because you never had a danged thing, you opt for the gaudy and shiny. Be original, be free. Accept your limitations and try to improve them instead of being defensive about it. If you don’t know how to win, watch the way a winner behaves. A true winner, even in a moment of loss, can still rise above it with the heart of a champion. Act like you’ve been there. Bitchassness is not the way to go.
This election is too important for anyone to miss. Please go out and cast your ballot. A lot is depending on the outcome. Primaries are as important as presidential elections. Your vote counts for something. Political affiliation is very personal but if you want my advice, vote Democrat. LOL. It’s the truth. We have two great candidates as and as long as one of them is the next president, we can’t go wrong.
Wash your face with cold water. It will diminish the look of your pores. If you make this a habit, your skin will look smoother and radiant. My routine is wash with good face soap, I use the face brush to clean it completely, and then rinse it with almost freezing water. I only use the cold side of the faucet. Another good thing is since you are not supposed to dry your face with a towel or paper after using the brush; I tap it clean with my open palm. Yeah, it’s like you’re slapping yourself dry. Ha ha ha (don’t do it too hard though) that’s also good to help you firm your facial skin.
The Joy of the Win!

My Giants won the Super Bowl! My Eli is the MVP! That was the most exciting game I’ve seen in a while. I am just so happy about that. It’s funny that a few years ago I hated football. Mostly, I was never raised in a culture to like it. When I first came to live here and through out high school my dad used to call Football season the curse. It was really funny.
About 4 years ago, while listening to Sports Radio when I was working in New Rochelle, they interrupted Yankee coverage to announce that the Giants had traded for Eli Manning. From there on they would talk about this kid for days and football. I was so curious about him that I began watching games and reading articles about Football. Well, low and behold, before I knew it, Janny started to like Football. I began watching the Giants games and following Eli’s stats. So I have always felt that Eli made me a fan of the game. Because of so much talk about him having a brother and all, I also began to follow a bit of the Colts. So my favorite team is the Giants, followed by the Colts.
As you can imagine, Sunday’s victory feels very special. NY is a tough place for athletes because the town is ruthless if you don’t succeed. The past 4 years have been pure torture for any Eli/Giants fan. I have to endure that twice because I am a Yankees fan whose favorite player is Alex Rodriguez. So now I have one of my boys on top of the world and now I need the other one to get there. I need that ring on Alex’s finger.
My highlights of XLII:
-The Eli escape followed by the Tyree Catch (I was amazed)
-Watching the defense (Strahan, Mitchell, Alford, Justin Tuck -2 times) just layout Brady time after time (that’s what he gets! Somewhere Bridget Moynahan is smiling and the little baby is wearing a number 10 Jersey.) God don’t like ugly.
-Plax’s prediction and the fact that everyone killed him but it was almost on the money.
-Osi Umenyiora…enough said
-Strahan, Toomer, and Feagles getting their ring
-Big man Jacobs…He’s a force.
-Kevin Boss…Watch out Shockey…he’s younger and doesn’t cause as many problems as you do.
-Kevin Tuck
-Tiki somewhere eating gallons of crow
-Watching Peyton concentrated on the game like he was playing on it. Gotta love him.
-The commercials were ok. I love the Audi one with the Godfather reference.
-The celebrations. I wish I could be at the parade L
My Men
Pitchers & Catchers Report: 10 days 51 min as of right now. I can’t wait. Yanks first game is against University of Florida in Tampa. I am also looking forward to them coming to VA Tech. I might go to that game.
I’m gone now.
Family is ok health wise. We have not heard anything or found my cousin. At this point, we are basically in limbo with it. We don’t know what will be done. It’s up to the family down there. One of my fondest memories of him was sharing our favorite snacks, white rice with ketchup and arguing about everything. I am still in mourning of him. It’s about to be a month and the not knowing is the hardest part. The suspicious way this happened is just unnerving and the uncertainty is basically eating at us.
I am still dieting and working out. The hardest part of dieting is shrinking your stomach. It normally takes a couple of weeks to get yourself and your stomach used to the necessary rations; eating till you’re satisfied as opposed to eating till you’re full. I have found that it’s very true what they say about waiting about 5 minutes before you get seconds. That has been working for me. I almost out of the soy shakes. I am thinking for replacing them with Oatmeal in the mornings.
I’ve been going to the gym for three weeks straight now. My goal is to do Mon-Thursday and then additional days are optional. I am just trying to establish a routine to discipline myself. So far so good. I have to weigh myself to see if I can see any loss pound wise. I can tell you I definitely see it clothing wise. My size 10 Nine & Co pants look good on me. I’m wearing those today!
I am also doing sit ups on my exercise ball. I do those at home. I am going to start trying to do them in the mornings as well. That would probably mean I need to get up an extra 10 minutes earlier but I will see if it works. I just set my alarm to remind myself.
I don’t understand people. I am tired and sick of pettiness. Can you stop being ghetto for a second and think before you speak? Can you cut the loser mentality for once? Do you only connect on ignorance? It’s like the Novo Riche. Because you never had a danged thing, you opt for the gaudy and shiny. Be original, be free. Accept your limitations and try to improve them instead of being defensive about it. If you don’t know how to win, watch the way a winner behaves. A true winner, even in a moment of loss, can still rise above it with the heart of a champion. Act like you’ve been there. Bitchassness is not the way to go.
This election is too important for anyone to miss. Please go out and cast your ballot. A lot is depending on the outcome. Primaries are as important as presidential elections. Your vote counts for something. Political affiliation is very personal but if you want my advice, vote Democrat. LOL. It’s the truth. We have two great candidates as and as long as one of them is the next president, we can’t go wrong.
Wash your face with cold water. It will diminish the look of your pores. If you make this a habit, your skin will look smoother and radiant. My routine is wash with good face soap, I use the face brush to clean it completely, and then rinse it with almost freezing water. I only use the cold side of the faucet. Another good thing is since you are not supposed to dry your face with a towel or paper after using the brush; I tap it clean with my open palm. Yeah, it’s like you’re slapping yourself dry. Ha ha ha (don’t do it too hard though) that’s also good to help you firm your facial skin.
The Joy of the Win!

My Giants won the Super Bowl! My Eli is the MVP! That was the most exciting game I’ve seen in a while. I am just so happy about that. It’s funny that a few years ago I hated football. Mostly, I was never raised in a culture to like it. When I first came to live here and through out high school my dad used to call Football season the curse. It was really funny.
About 4 years ago, while listening to Sports Radio when I was working in New Rochelle, they interrupted Yankee coverage to announce that the Giants had traded for Eli Manning. From there on they would talk about this kid for days and football. I was so curious about him that I began watching games and reading articles about Football. Well, low and behold, before I knew it, Janny started to like Football. I began watching the Giants games and following Eli’s stats. So I have always felt that Eli made me a fan of the game. Because of so much talk about him having a brother and all, I also began to follow a bit of the Colts. So my favorite team is the Giants, followed by the Colts.
As you can imagine, Sunday’s victory feels very special. NY is a tough place for athletes because the town is ruthless if you don’t succeed. The past 4 years have been pure torture for any Eli/Giants fan. I have to endure that twice because I am a Yankees fan whose favorite player is Alex Rodriguez. So now I have one of my boys on top of the world and now I need the other one to get there. I need that ring on Alex’s finger.
My highlights of XLII:
-The Eli escape followed by the Tyree Catch (I was amazed)
-Watching the defense (Strahan, Mitchell, Alford, Justin Tuck -2 times) just layout Brady time after time (that’s what he gets! Somewhere Bridget Moynahan is smiling and the little baby is wearing a number 10 Jersey.) God don’t like ugly.
-Plax’s prediction and the fact that everyone killed him but it was almost on the money.
-Osi Umenyiora…enough said
-Strahan, Toomer, and Feagles getting their ring
-Big man Jacobs…He’s a force.
-Kevin Boss…Watch out Shockey…he’s younger and doesn’t cause as many problems as you do.
-Kevin Tuck
-Tiki somewhere eating gallons of crow
-Watching Peyton concentrated on the game like he was playing on it. Gotta love him.
-The commercials were ok. I love the Audi one with the Godfather reference.
-The celebrations. I wish I could be at the parade L
My Men
Pitchers & Catchers Report: 10 days 51 min as of right now. I can’t wait. Yanks first game is against University of Florida in Tampa. I am also looking forward to them coming to VA Tech. I might go to that game.
I’m gone now.
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